Game Recap: Costly Defensive Miscues Cause Miami Marlins to Fall to Atlanta Braves

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Game Recap: Miami Marlins vs the Evil Empire from the South: The Atlanta Braves

The Marlins’ Tom Koheler vs some Braves pitcher.  Oh how I hate this team.  Let me count the ways.  One is for the constant thorn in my side that this team is. Two is the blind optimism of their fans.  Three is for the horrible Braves broadcasters that I am forced to listen to because, while I pay good hard earned money for my MLB ExtraInnings package from DirecTV, the MLB insists on enforcing these ridiculous blackout restrictions.

The first inning saw an outstanding two-run home-run hit by my hero, Logan Morrison, making the score 2-0 good guys.  YES, horrible Braves announcers, much to your dismay, this is NOT the team you played before.  How about now you show some respect?

Alas, they continue their arrogance, because their poop does not stink, apparently.  As the Braves announcers drone on and on about how Tom Koehler has struggled they neglect the fact the the Braves go down in order in the bottom half of the inning.  In the second inning, the bad guys get on the board making it 2-1 good guys.  In the third inning the Marlins continue the hit parade off of Chris Medlen but then Logan Morrison gets picked off at first base and then nothing happens in the inning.  The Braves tie it up in the bottom of the inning on a scary play that saw Logan Morrison take a bad tumble at first base with Chris Medlen. LoMo came out alright though, thank goodness, but the bad guys tie up the game 2-2.

The bad guys go ahead in the fourth inning 2-3.  The fifth inning saw the Braves announcers start to respect the Marlins as a threat.  Nothing happens in the sixth inning.  The sixth inning former Georgia Tech star Derek Dietrich hits a double and the homer Braves announcers blame it on the wind.  The Marlins tie the game on a Greg Dobbs single that scores Dietrich to make it 3-3.

The bottom of the inning saw the Braves play that chant that they stole from Florida State over and over again.  Chris Johnson would hit a two-run single to make the game 3-5 bad guys.  Then the Braves would score again and make the game 3-6 bad guys, and then 3-7 bad guys.  YAWN!  Braves announcers continue to point out the mental mistakes the Marlins are making and I can’t help but think how the city of Atlanta has only seen their team win one World Championship while the city of Miami has enjoyed two, and don’t even get me started on basketball championships, or football championships.  Also, let me remind you folks, Atlanta’s claim to fame came in a strike-shortened 1995 season, come talk to me when they actually win the World Series after enduring a full 162 game season, twice!

The seventh inning would see the Braves tack on another run to make it 3-8 bad guys.  The Braves would add another three runs in the bottom of the eighth inning to make it 3-11 bad guys.  Keep scoring runs Braves!  You’ll still choke in the playoffs!  In the ninth inning the Marlins would do nothing but end the game, thank goodness.

Till next time kids.

Go Marlins!!!!