Logan Morrison Is Awesome, and Here’s Why

Mandatory Credit: Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports

Disclaimer: This article isn’t just to inform you that Logan Morrison has been nominated for an award. It’s definitely not to let you in on ways your kid can get cool stuff if they participate in a program. Take a moment and really consider these down to earth deeds, and how special they are for the individuals and families Logan’s actions help support.

When one hears the name ‘Logan Morrison’, initial responses are likely to deal with his twitter antics, or his opinionated nature. For those who follow the Miami Marlins, though, his Roberto Clemente Award nomination is not a shock at all. Morrison, or LoMo as he’s affectionately refered to by most fans, has garnered his second Clemente Award nod in a row. Last year he was a finalist for the Hutch award, which honors players who make it through serious personal struggles with inspiring perseverance. LoMo features two well known charities, but that’s just scratching the surface.

 In case you aren’t familiar, Project LoMo encourages youth to get involved. Students or groups of youngsters come up with an idea, a community initiative, implement it and report on the experience. Five ‘winners’ are then gifted with a pre-game experience, a meet and greet with the Marlins first baseman and $1,000 prize. Every submission will receive an autograph as well as a $100 donation to the American Lung Association on their behalf. By the way, Logan doesn’t just sit back and wait for the meet and greet. There’s an official blog that he kept up during the project (you can find it here).

The origins of this charity are very near and dear to Morrison’s heart. He and his late father always had a close relationship. “After my father lost his battle with lung cancer, I felt like it was my responsibility to do everything I could to raise awareness for the disease. With this campaign, I want kids to understand that they, too, can make a difference. I want to empower them to start thinking outside-of-the-box and realize that they can spark social change.”

LoMo Camp for a Cure is another strong charitable effort geared towards youngsters. 2014 will be the camp’s fourth consecutive year. Held in Delrey Beach every January, LoMo holds a 2-3 day baseball camp at an affordable price. Last year, teammates Juan Pierre, Christian Yelich, Mr. Marlin Jeff Conine and others assisted, offering kids a top notch pro-baseball experience. All proceeds benefit the American Lung Association.

When asked about the camp in its inaugural year, Morrison had this to say:

“It’s [Camp for a Cure] going to be about how baseball is a game of life, that you are going to fail more than you succeed and it’s how you deal with those failures and move on so you can be successful.

"“I will tell them to go out and play hard and hustle. Plus, it’s also about not taking anything for granted and making the most of each and every day. Life is really short.”"

Both of those endeavors are well documented, and certainly worthy causes. What doesn’t get talked about very often is the bus load of other activities he’s involved in, so many its almost hard to imagine he does anything other than baseball and promoting the needs of the community. As many players have done, he went overseas to visit troops with a group of Marlins players and front office members in 2011.

 He participated in Bald, Brave and Beautiful, roping fellow players and coaches into shaving their heads in solidarity, as well as giving some children battling cancer a night at the ball park [video]. LoMo’s Suite Dreams gives a family going through a medical crisis a night to escape from their troubles with MVP suite treatment and time to chat with him during BP.

 LoMo’s MVPs came about when he got to know youngster Connor Goodman, whose father had a sudden heart attack. They clearly connected on that level, and the idea to be an emotional, healing resource quickly evolved. Perhaps the most sensitive of all his outreach efforts, the MVPs idea is really just a chance for Logan to offer a grieving child a listening ear, and an incredible experience to help distract a youngster from the sudden loss of a parent. After the game, the child and family share dinner with Connor and his mom, to offer them support from their own personal experience.

Regardless of what you think of Logan Morrison on or off the field, he’s proven that he has a drive to do whatever he can to support the lives of others, and that is certainly an example we could all stand to follow. The Miami Marlins have honored him again this season with a Clemente Award nomination. If you would like to vote for LoMo, you can do so here. The MLB player with the most fan votes garners a single additional vote in the official process. Voting ends this Sunday, Oct. 6th at 11:59 p.m. EST. The Clemente Award is announced during the World Series.

To donate to Logan Morrison’s charities, please explore the following links.

Pitch In:

Videos, information, articles and more from the official charity page from the Miami Marlins.

 Official site of LoMo’s Camp for a Cure.

To send a $10 donation to the American Lung Association, text LOMO to 32020.
