Marlins Latest Cuts Include Solano and Bogusevic


As the Marlins continue to trim the roster to the MLB maximum of 25, a few more players were casualties on Thursday morning. The most notable of those players were Donovan Solano and Brian Bogusevic. Both players were precariously hanging on to spots on the roster anyway, but if you look at their pasts, you can make a case that these cuts were a little surprising.

Solano was tabbed as the opening day second baseman last year for the Marlins, coming off of a season in 2012 which saw him slash .295/.342/.375. Unfortunately Solano struggled in 2013 and hit virtually .50 points less across all categories. The writing was on the wall when they signed Rafael Furcal this offseason, but some thought that Solano could still make the team as a utility infielder. This demotion is not due to Solano’s play this spring, as he hit over .300.

The main reason for the demotion is the stellar play of Derek Dietrich. Derek’s play this spring has forced the hand of the Marlins to cut Solano. Donovan will likely find himself in New Orleans with the triple A club and could still be a part of the Marlins future, but not likely this season unless Dietrich struggles or the Marlins experience a rash of injuries.

Cutting Bogusevic was surprising only due to the fact that the Marlins traded for him this offseason. I am never a fan of giving away a player, but it looks like the Marlins gave the Cubs Justin Ruggiano (who has played well this spring by the way) in return for Bogusevic. For the Marlins to lose him, which is likely, is disappointing.

The alternative though, would have been to keep Brian who was suffering through a spring that saw him posting a slugging percentage that couldn’t even reach the Mendoza line. Throw in Reed Johnson‘s ridiculous spring (.405/.457/.595) and it was a perfect storm for Bogusevic to be sent packing. To me, both players are interchangeable, I just wish that we hadn’t gotten rid of Ruggiano just yet. I think the Marlins may regret that down the road.

What do you think about these cuts? Do you think the Marlins are making the right decisions? Let us know in the comments below and Go Fish!