Marlins Promotions: Salty and Pepe Shakers

Salty and Pepe shaker

On December 6, 2013 the Miami Marlins signed Jarrod Saltalamacchia to a 3 year 21 million dollar contract. A lot of Marlins fans rejoiced at this signing. Then someone on the creative team of the Marlins had a great idea for a giveaway. I can only imagine the talk they must have had for this promotion. “Hey we need to give something away that is creative and fun for Jarrod. What can we do?” “Salty is his nickname what if… we gave away a… salt… shaker?” “Oh my gosh that is brilliant!” On June 22, 2014 it was the Salty and Pepe shaker giveaway at Marlins Park.

This give away has to be one of the most creative giveaways the Marlins have ever had. I look around my office and see a lot of items the Marlins have given away over the years. There is the Kiss the Shef cooking apron, the Billy the Marlin and Spider-Man save Jeff Conine comic, the Giancarlo Stanton Arm sleeve, and possibly my favorite the Jack McKeon in the Box. I still think these Jarrod and Jose Fernandez salt and pepper shakers might be even more creative. It’s a very simple design. For the Jarrod shaker it’s designed in the white Marlins jersey with his name and number on the back, and the Jose shaker is the black jersey with his name and number. Simple but so creative! I’m glad I drove down to get one of these and from now on all the salt and pepper for my food will be coming out of these shakers when I’m home.

Join me next time for the next Marlins giveaway recap. Who knows, maybe next week I might get my hands on some giveaways that I missed this season… Let’s Go Marlins!
