What If For The Miami Marlins? Cubs and A’s Trade

Last night the Cubs and A’s pulled off a trade that sent Jeff Samardzija and Jason Hammel to Oakland for 2 prospects, an eh pitcher, and cash or a player to be named later. This trade puts the A’s in World Series talk even more so than before. With that said, let’s take a look and play “what if” with the Marlins and see what it would have looked like if we here would have made the same trade to get Jeff and Hammel.

The A’s sent their 2012 first round pick Addison Russell, their 2013 first round pick Billy McKinney, the pitcher Dan Straily, and cash or a player to be named later. Let’s say for sake of argument control the Marlins and Chicago came to me with a similar offer for Jeff and Jason, would I take the trade? If we are to follow the same formula as the A’s we would be trading Andrew Heaney, Colin Moran, Jacob Turner, and most likely cash. Would I pull the trigger? That’s a big… NOPE! Here is why.

Let me start off by saying I was a big supporter of bringing Jeff to the Marlins. My wife went to school with Jeff at Norte Dame and has a Cubs Jersey of his, but the big reason I wouldn’t pull the trigger is because I’m not going to sell my future for a year and a half rental, and half year rental in Jason. The A’s pulling off this trade makes sense because it’s Series or bust for them. Losing the last 2 years in the Divisional Series in 5 games, the A’s want this monkey off their back.  Me, I’m not giving up my future 3rd baseman and a future starter so I can have a better chance of making the playoff this year.  I also still believe that the Marlins will click once we pass the All-Star break and have a 2003 like second half (especially with how weak the NL East has become this year). Once we get our team back on the healthy side we will see a great Marlins team in the second half. Jason is in his last year and Jeff has a year of arbitration left, both of them are too risky for me to take that chance.  I would have to pass on this trade.

What do you think, would you have pulled the trigger on this trade or offered the Cubs something different? Let us know in the comments below, or tweet us at @latinoloco4rwf or @MarlinManiac. I always enjoy reading other fans opinions.