Marlin Maniac Brings You Marlin Family Live

Hey Marlin Family, it’s time for your voice to be heard. Starting September 7, 2014 Marlin Maniac will proudly present you with a show for the Fans, by the Fans. It’s called “Marlin Family Live!” Every Sunday at 7 pm we will give you the fans a place where you can talk and listen about all things Marlins. Let’s us look more in depth to what Marlin Family Live is.

The show has two hosts. First we have Dann Dunn, a fanatic Marlins fan who is well versed in the minor league system. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and you can always catch him hanging out at the Jacksonville Suns games watching and covering future Miami Marlins players. Although he has loved the team since 1993, he became a diehard fan the 2003 season. He loves talking baseball, especially Miami Marlins and Jacksonville Suns! You can also follow him on twitter @FSU_Dann (don’t worry we won’t hold the FSU thing against him). Since there is an “s” at the end of the word hosts, let’s talk about the second guy. He would be me, Andy Salgado. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a diehard Marlins fan since I went to their first game in 1993. I’ve been writing for Marlin Maniac since 2012, I was the first Marlins fan to make it to the Top 52 for the MLB Fan Cave, was the Ultimate Marlins Fan Cave Crasher in 2013 for the MLB Fan Cave, and most recently I am the no shave/hair cut until Jose Fernandez comes back guy. So we have 2 great hosts for you. What about the show itself?

Every Sunday at 7pm on Blog Talk Radio we will bring you a live show where we will talk about all things Marlins.  From April 5, 1993 to Zingers off the Home Run Statue, nothing is off limits for you fans. This show is live so we encourage you to call into the show! Our number is (646) 929-0934. We hosts are only a part of the show, you fans are the rest. We want to hear what you have to say about our Marlins. We will also be giving away great prizes; it could be something signed by a Marlins player, an item given away at the game that you couldn’t get a hold of, and maybe even something retro. The only way to find out is to tune in and let your voice be heard.

This show is for you guys. I cannot say that enough. Go check it out and follow our Twitter @MarlinFamily. Like us on Facebook at Marlin Family Live. Also go give our Blog Talk Radio channel a look for updates and break downs of the Marlin Family Live shows. You can also always check out Marlin Maniac for more information, too. Be sure to be there for the first broadcast of Marlin Family Live! This show is for the Marlin Family! Until next time… Let’s Go Marlin…Family!
