Giancarlo Stanton Still Feeling Lingering Effects?
Probably the scariest moment of the 2014 season for the Miami Marlins and their fan base had to be when their star Giancarlo Stanton took a pitch to the face and went down hard. The hit by pitch forced Stanton to miss the final two weeks of the Marlins baseball season, effectively ending his MVP campaign and the Marlins post-season chances.
Stanton seems to be recovering well, even posting pictures of his face on Instagram from time-to-time to keep the world updated on status. While Stanton swears he’ll be ready by Spring Training, there was a tiny piece of information that went under the radar about his status that could be more serious than he has let on.
Craig Davis from the Sun-Sentinel had this on Stanton yesterday:
Interviewed afterward on MLB Network, Stanton said he still experiences some headaches from the beaning incident but vowed that he will be ready for spring training.
I am not a doctor, but the fact that he’s having headaches nearly 2 months after his beaning seems a little concerning to me. Stanton did not suffer a concussion as a result of the beaning, so you have to wonder if there’s something else there.
Either way, it’s something I’d like the team and Stanton to keep a close eye on. Maybe it’s nothing (hopefully), or it could be something he needs to keep a careful eye on.
As the Marlins try to lock-up Giancarlo long-term, there is nothing more important to both sides than the health of the MVP candidate.