Miami Marlins Morning Catch: Goodbye to a good month


Good morning, Marlin Maniac readers and welcome to Morning Catch, the daily morning news and notes column from about your Miami Marlins.

Without a doubt, September marked the best month of Miami Marlins baseball in 2015. The Fish posted an impressive record of 16-10 in September, while going 53-90 in the first five months of the campaign.

In addition to the team’s W/L record, Miami finished 14th in team ERA during the month of September, improving their season mark to 17th in baseball.

But the Marlins’ offense has been the story of September, leading baseball in batting average. The Fish post a .294 mark, with Boston finishing second at .279.

So what has been the key for Miami?

The pitching has been decent, but not too much better than in prior months. On offense, many role players have stepped up and become large factors in Miami’s September success.

In 25 games played, Justin Bour has knocked nine homers, batting .292 with a WRC+ of 146. Martin Prado has also impressed, batting .384 with a WRC+ of 156.

Can the Fish carry this success into 2016? That remains the underlying question, and can only be answered in the future.

ICYMI: Stanton won’t return in 2015 and Justin Bour’s value as a specialist

From Around the Web:

Miami Marlins Will Try To Lock Up Dee Gordon This Offseason — Michael Corbett, Scout

In a season that has resulted in what many would consider to be an utter failure, the Miami Marlins have one topic that shines a positive light on their future. Dee Gordon, their speedy second baseman, has been the most consistent and productive player for them all season.

While the rest of the roster has been either underperforming or injured, Gordon has stepped up as the most dangerous player in their lineup all season, while remaining reliable defensively. According to Jon Heyman of, the Miami Marlins are committed to rewarding Gordon by means of signing him to a long term deal. (Read More Here)

The Under-Appreciated Volume 1: Miami Marlins 1B Justin Bour — Jamey Vinnick, Baseball Essential

I’m going to be starting a new weekly segment here on Baseball Essential, highlighting some of the overlooked and underrated players around the MLB. These will be players who I personally feel are very good, but don’t necessarily get the recognition they deserve. Suggestions are welcome in the comments below.

Anyway, the first player we’re going to focus on is Justin Bour of the Miami Marlins. Coming into this year, I had never heard the name of Justin Bour. He wasn’t a top name prospect, nor was he any kind of established star. (Read More Here)

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