Miami Marlins RTD: Marcell Ozuna’s Future; Thoughts on Next Manager

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Sep 27, 2015; Miami, FL, USA; Miami Marlins third baseman Martin Prado hits a two rbi single in the fifth inning of a game against the Atlanta Braves at Marlins Park. Mandatory Credit: Robert Mayer-USA TODAY Sports

Welcome to another Miami Marlins Round Table Discussion. On today’s agenda, we’ll be discussing the recent hot streak for the Miami Marlins, Marcell Ozuna‘s future with the team, as well as some thoughts on the next Miami Marlins manager.

1. What do you make of the Miami Marlins September success and does it mean anything for the 2016 season?

Ehsan Kassim: Not much can be made of their recent success and it actually could hurt them in the long-term. At the end of August, the Marlins were well positioned to land a top 3 pick in the MLB draft next year. Now they are looking at the number 6 pick. While there is still great value at the number 6 pick, the Marlins need elite level talent, something harder to find around that pick. Also, the Marlins front office will make too much of one month of success and not do enough to improve the team for the 2016 season, with the team finishing with a similar record to this year.

Daniel Zylberkan: The Marlins have played a remarkably easy schedule in October. They played the Braves, Phillies, Brewers and a reeling Nationals team. If there is something to be taken away from a one month sample size is that Adam Conley has pitched like a middle of the rotation arm. Also a major part of the success has been related to how well Martin Prado and Marcell Ozuna have played recently who will both be keys to 2016

Michael Sonbeek: I make nothing out of it. They beat bad teams and I doubt it means anything for 2016.

Sean Millerick: The September success of the team means two things. First, it will convince Jeffrey Loria that the team is still close to competing in 2016. However, and this is where I think I differ from some of us here on the staff, I don’t think that’s an unfair expectation. The talent at the position player level has never been in doubt, and the team has won against teams that have something to play for, and doing so without their best player in Giancarlo Stanton.

Any team would be happy to build around a core of Stanton, Christian Yelich, Adeiny Hechavarria, and even Dee “Let’s Get Over The Fact He Isn’t Andrew Heaney” Gordon. The problem starts with the second thing this September success could result in: a serious overvaluing of Justin Bour, and a belief that this a roster that doesn’t need fixing. I’d say they are two to three pieces from competing, and three to four from doing so effectively. Along with two SPs, Miami desperately needs another impact, threatening bat in the lineup to pair with Yelich and Stanton. With nine September dingers and counting, the club might well decide to go all in on Bour in ’16. And there’s nothing wrong with that- just so long as they also sign David Price and Yoenis Cespedes. Bour is his average month, not his September; offensive help is needed beyond what currently exists on the roster.

Charlie Clark: It’s reassuring. The Fish hadn’t posted a winning month in 2015, so one to cap off the year is helpful. I really hope that momentum can be carried over, but I’m not sure it will. The offseason will be filled with managing rumors and acquisitions, so I think September may be forgotten. But I also think the players want to use this last month as a carry-over month into 2016.

Christian La Fontaine: I’m of two minds about this. First, as a fan it’s been fun. As silly as it seems seeing the Marlins win makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, regardless of context. Given that they haven’t done that a lot this year, a whole month solidly above .500 has been a nice change. Then; unfortunately, the analyst in me creeps in and the doom and gloom returns. This month has been nothing short of a disaster in how it impacts the future. By no means is this a realistic or sustainable level of performance for this roster as constructed. All indications point to their true talent being only slightly better than what we’ve seen in every other month. Like it or not the losing record this season isn’t because of injuries, it’s not because of bad luck, and we’re not one or two guys away from contending, these Fish just aren’t very good at Baseball and all September has done is obscure that fact making it less likely we’ll get the rebuild we need this off-season.

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Mark Laming: It’s something as a fan who’s still interested in the day-to-day things it was nice to see the team succeeding late. It will eventually just bring mixed results, some young players who are sizeable part of the Marlins’ future played well down that stretch and that could carry over into the 2016 season, so if anything that’s an encouraging sign. Long term impact, little to none but it’s fun for now.

Next: Trade Marcell Ozuna?

Oct 1, 2015; St. Petersburg, FL, USA; Miami Marlins center fielder Marcell Ozuna (13) is congratulated by second baseman Dee Gordon (9) as he scored a run during the fifth inning against the Tampa Bay Rays at Tropicana Field. Mandatory Credit: Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports

2. Should the Miami Marlins trade center fielder Marcell Ozuna? What’s a realistic return if they do decide to move Ozuna?

Ehsan Kassim: Trading Marcell Ozuna should not even be on the Miami Marlins radar right now. His trade value is at its lowest and the team is unlikely to recoup the type of value they should be able to get for the talented right hander. The team should still remain open to listening to offers, but unless a team offers a young, top of the rotation arm to the Marlins, there is zero need to trade him.

Daniel Zylberkan: The Marlins should not trade Marcell Ozuna. He had a slow start to 2015 and his approach looked a little out of sorts. He has legitimate power which is incredibly valuable in this environment. It would be a mistake to trade him. I think a realistic return for Ozuna would be a controllable major league pitcher but not a true top of the rotation type pitcher. Not Danny Salazar or someone like that. 

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Michael Sonbeek: No they should not. Trevor Bauer could be an interesting return. But they will end up sending Ozuna in the Chapman deal. Ugh.

Sean Millerick: Performance wise, Ozuna’s value has never been lower. But as I wrote earlier in the summer, his contract status and potential still accrue to him a good deal of value. If someone is willing to deal Miami a young, controllable SP with No. 2 potential, they have to make the deal. The same is likely true if they are offered a solid veteran 1st/3rd baseman with pop and the ability to hit with RISP. But if moving for prospects and future payoff- than he should stay in Miami, unless the club is planning to pay premium dollars to replace him.

Charlie Clark: I’m not sure they should deal Ozuna. His contract situation is ideal right now, and his value is lower than it has ever been. To trade Ozuna, they should look for a high 3 starter or above. The Marlins could use some pitching, and Ozuna would be a good way to acquire that.

Christian La Fontaine: There is absolutely no reason to trade Ozuna right now. He’s young, controllable, and since the Fish aren’t a contending team anyway there’s no opportunity cost if he continues to struggle. Even if there was something to be gained by trading him, with the way he’s struggled this year his trade value is virtually non-existent. Plus he’s one of only 3 active players who shares my birthday, so I’d really like to see him remain on my team.

Mark Laming: For the right return, it would be worth dealing Ozuna only if you get a good package of prospects or a young controllable player at his level. I would be in no rush to jump ship on Ozuna who hit .277 after coming up from his vacation in AAA and showed some encouraging signs that we saw in 2014. That being said, he’s in no way untouchable and if the Fish get a fair offer, it’d be worth it to refresh the organization’s talent gap.

Next: Next Marlins Manager?

Sep 17, 2014; Anaheim, CA, USA; ESPN broadcaster Manny Acta attends the game between the Seattle Mariners and the Los Angeles Angels at Angel Stadium of Anaheim. Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

3. Who is your preference for the next manager of the Miami Marlins? Exactly how important is the next hire?

Ehsan Kassim: First, unless the Marlins make a philosophical change, their manager hardly even matters. A manager is usually only as good as the roster that is assembled for him. An analytical manager means nothing if the team’s front office continues to be overly old-school. As for my preference, I am beginning to like Manny Acta more and more for the position. He’s open to analytics, speaks Spanish, and has a solid history with young teams. But like I said, the changes need to occur at the top for the manager role to even matter.

Daniel Zylberkan: The Marlins have been feeding the media with the idea that hey want an “experienced manager” so they’ll probably go with a guy like Dusty Baker, Manny Acta or Don Mattingly if he becomes available. I don’t think the manager position is very important and people in and around baseball seem to make it worse. I would like the Marlins to hire traveling instructor Andy Barkett as the next manager although it doesn’t matter since he’ll be fired within a season and a half anyway.

Michael Sonbeek: I don’t have preference. I think bringing back Ozzie would be cool. Unless they are getting a guy who’s committed to analytics, it won’t mean anything.

Sean Millerick: The manager decision is critical. I’m inclined to say go with a proven veteran if only because it worked out pretty well the last two times (McKeon, Leyland). Further, it would seem like the Marlins just provided a fairly generous sample size of what happens when the job is given to just anyone. What I would love to see is an organizational gutting, and the rehiring of Dave Dombrowski as GM to a contract that guarantees his salary will be quadrupled if ownership interferes in any way with baseball operations. But since that isn’t going to happen, anyone but Manny Acta works fine for me; seems like the clubhouse deserves a leader with a recent history of winning baseball, or at the very least a proven big-league pedigree.

Charlie Clark: I prefer Dusty Baker. He owns the best record and most experience among the majority of the candidates. But I’m not sure how important the next hire will be, it seems that Loria fires everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next manager doesn’t make it to the end of 2015.

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Christian La Fontaine: The manager might be the most overrated position in baseball. These are grownups whose entire livelihood depends upon them playing well, not eight year olds who might lose interest and go home if not properly motivated. It really doesn’t matter who the next Manager is, the team will only be as good as the players who make it up. That being said I think it would be fun to see Pudge Rodriguez get the job.

Mark Laming: The Marlins need a solid manager. People forget how young this team really is. Giancarlo is 25, Jose is 23, the need for a strong voice of leadership is desperate to lead the young guys. The ideal candidate, Pudge Rodriguez. He’s been a great clubhouse guy everywhere he’s been, he’s universally respected in the baseball community and deserves a managerial shot. Pudge also seems like the ideal candidate as the Marlins are still paying off Ozzie and Mike Redmond and probably won’t look to dump more money into an experienced manager who’s out there, like Dusty Baker, as Pudge’s contract cost may be significantly lower.

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