Just For Fun, And To Put Football To Bed, Thoughts On The Super Bowl?
Sean Millerick: I thought the drones during the halftime show were cool, and even encouraging. If Pepsi can get that many to fly in close formation, surely the Dolphins can get four or five to cover the Patriots wide receivers. Once more, Tom Brady broke my soul. Atlanta shouldn’t of let their OC resign for that head coaching job. They should have fired him for the coaching in the fourth quarter, rest of the season that got them their aside.
David Marcillo: Meh, another Patriots win. It was cool to see a historic game, but it just seemed like more of the same with Belichick and Brady.
Seth Moed: As a Dolphins fan and avid Patriot opponent fan, I can’t say I was too happy. It was a great game to watch, but it was more in utter disbelief and sadness from my end.
Kyle Rowley: I loved it. The Falcons choked. All they had to do was run the ball when they were up eight in New England territory. Brady is the greatest to ever lace them up, and no, I’m not a Pats fan. That Edelman catch will be replayed for years.
Thanks all. We’ll catch you next time. If you have suggestions, please harass us on Facebook or Twitter.