4. OF/2B Whit Merrifield
2021 Season Stats: .271 AVG, .371 OBP, .402 SLG, .719 OPS, 8 HR, 53 RBI, 25 SB
An intriguing option who has the ability to play multiple positions is Merrifield. Still under team control for the 2022 season, the 32-year old veteran has been brought up in trade talks previously, and while not necessarily directly linked to Miami, would be a good option.
Spending a majority of the 2021 season as the Royals second baseman, Merrifield has the ability to play multiple positions, but would most-likely takeover as the Marlins center fielder should he land in Miami. The two-time All-Star would bring both power and speed to Miami, and would be a perfect option to slot-in the top of the Marlins lineup.
3. OF Bryan Reynolds
2021 Season Stats: .309 AVG, .390 OBP, .523 SLG, .913 OPS, 18 HR, 57 RBI, 3 SB
While it is unknown as to if Pittsburgh would even considering trading a young, controllable outfielder the quality of Reynolds, there is no denying this would be an obvious move from Miami’s viewpoint. The 2021 All-Star is having a phenomenal season slashing .309/.390/.523 for the Pirates, and is quickly emerging as one of the top young outfielders in the game.
After Pittsburgh just traded second baseman Adam Frazier, could another young star potentially be available? The Pirates asking price would certainly be steep, but Miami has more-than-enough to make a deal happen.