This is part 2 about Kim Ng and her rise to the role of Miami Marlins general manager. Part 1 can be found here and more on Kim Ng is right here. She’s a fascinating person and it makes sense for us to learn more about her and to see if there’s any chance that she can turn her current job performance around.
Kim Ng rose to the position of general manager of the Miami Marlins.
In a curious move that is somewhat disloyal in my opinion, Kim Ng left the New York Yankees to join the Los Angeles Dodgers in the same position. She was called “the great plagiarizer” by LA’s scouting director Logan White for her copying what worked for other teams. She interviewed for the GM position with the team in 2005 but did not get the job. She later interviewed for the San Diego Padres, Seattle Mariners, Milwaukee Brewers, San Francisco Giants and New York Mets with no luck there either. Kim became frustrated and called herself a “bridesmaid”. She then went to work at the MLB office.
Kim Ng eventually received a call from Derek Jeter to interview for the Miami Marlins GM position. Jeter was of course a part owner of The Fish at the time. Ng was nervous about interviewing for the position but did anyway and got the job. She then received congratulatory messages from several celebrities and was even invited to Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Kim Ng understood the excitement over her being the first female GM, but wants people to focus more on her baseball related abilities. The advice that she received from Brian Cashman is to “win”, and she takes it seriously according to her. How does she see her position?
"Listening to people and being open-minded. Being willing to know what I don’t know and not being embarrassed about it. I view this job as being the conductor of the orchestra. The conductor doesn’t know how to play the flute or the drums or the trombone, but this person has a pretty good idea of when people should come in at what times. I think that my experience and my resume really give me a lot of credence to do that."
Kim Ng is the first female GM in Major League Baseball history and any failure will be judged unfairly based on that background. She has to focus on winning and if Bruce Sherman doesn’t give her enough support, she needs to be open about it because her legacy is on the line with every game.
A major return…. dark. Next