4 trades I would make if I were Miami Marlins GM Kim Ng

The Marlins could use a boost in all 3 sections of the roster to compete in the postseason
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The Miami Marlins are buyers at the trade deadline and need reinforcements for their current roster to make the push to the postseason.  As it were there are several areas they could improve upon to help them down the stretch.  

One of the biggest areas of need we will focus on first, that being a middle of the order power hitter.  According to MLB.com, there is a list of 17 players most likely to be traded in the next week at the trade deadline and we will utilize that list as well as going off on a few more names that have come up during the deadline talks.  

The Miami Marlins will have a tough go at the deadline for one major reason, that being their weak minor league system.  Could the Marlins cobble together enough prospects to land multiple trades, time will tell, but there are a few names I think could be involved.  

Xavier Edwards is one such name that has bounced between the big leagues and AAA and would be on the block for teams needing a second baseman.  Khalil Watson is another that will garner interest along with Jacob Berry, Max Meyer, and Jake Eder.  The last prospect, which I would not like to see go, is Troy Johnston, AA first baseman who leads the league in RBI and is crushing home runs with 18 total to go along with his 83 RBI.  It is not explainable why he is still on the AA roster unless they want his numbers to continue to soar to trade him.  Who will these prospects bring, let’s get to it.