Thoughts On The Marlins Coaching Changes?
Sean Millerick: If Mattingly wanted Bonds out, I’m willing to go with it. Hitting ticked up, but the runs never came. If Bonds was really as instrumental to the changes…can’t see him being pushed out. The relative lack of backlash the club took from the national media is also comforting…though that could just be because nobody likes him. Was sad to see Reid Cornelius and Lenny Harris let go based on memories from their playing days, but never saw any evidence they were exceptional coaches either. Fredi brings a wealth of experience, and will only add to the professionalism of the clubhouse.
Austyn Varney: I am pretty excited to see how Mike Pagliarulo does in place of Bonds. In Pittsburgh, he was a big help in the progression of Gregory Polanco and Josh Harrison. They made a big jump forward in AA, which is where Pagliarulo was at. I look forward to seeing how going from a power-style Bonds to a contact driven Pagliarulo will affect the lineup. The addition of Fredi Gonzalez should be fun as well, though likely won’t make much of an impact on the field.
David Marcillo: None of the coaching changes are significant enough to make a significant difference in the on-field product. The reunion with Fredi Gonzalez is an interesting one though, given the published comments between him and team owner Jeffrey Loria.
Kyle Rowley: I’m fine with the coaching changes. It seems Stanton and Bonds didn’t mesh well, and I know Mattingly wasn’t a fan. I do not think, though, that the changes will make a huge difference for the team. It’s really up to the players performing and Mattingly running a smooth ship. Pretty ironic to have good ole’ Fredi Gonzalez back. I truly think he was an awful manager both here and in Atlanta, so the shift to 3rd base coach was a necessity for him.
Joshua Alfonso: It seems Barry Bonds was not as well liked outside of Jose Fernandez as we thought. It’s great that Mattingly stuck to his guns and refused to bring him back. It shows he is in charge of the baseball operations and not Loria. That said, the fact that another manager was so close to resigning is frustrating because it suggests that we are always one disagreement away from a new manager. Bringing back Fredi Gonzalez is a great move, familiar with the organization and a seasoned coach.
That’s a wrap for this week. Again, if anything is on your mind baseball wise, find us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know. Just might see it discussed here.