3 Off-Season moves that the Miami Marlins should've made

This has been a disappointing season for The Fish so far

Jorge Soler
Jorge Soler | Lachlan Cunningham/GettyImages
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The Miami Marlins have a history ripe with stadium controversies and sell-offs after championship seasons. The fanbase is wary and tired of constant disappointments. It's one thing for executives to be upfront and honest about every single move they make. That's not even legal or productive. Peter Bendix can't say who the team can afford, or why exactly this or that trade didn't work out. He can't say why a contract negotiation broke down, or how much he was willing to go up to in contract talks.

What he can do however (unless Bruce Sherman doesn't give him permission) is simply be transparent. Don't say nothing in a lot of words, be honest with the fanbase. If you thought that last season was a fluke and that you want to rebuild, say so! Just say something along the lines of "I don't believe that with the on-run record that we had, that this was a contending team. We want to take a year or two to rebuild the farm and identify key players to build around".

It's not hard to be transparent with the fanbase, just let the fans know what the overall strategy is. Let the fans in and that will receive a much better reception. It will also help us understand exactly what the future looks like, and can give us optimism that we badly need.

