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Miami Marlins RTD: #BringHanleyHome; Ideal Off-Season for Marlins?

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4. An ideal off-season for the Miami Marlins would be….

Ehsan Kassim: An idea off-season for the Miami Marlins would have kicked off with the team cleaning house, starting in the front office. The Marlins brass has been in place for a while, with only Larry Beinfest being a scapegoat, since Jeffrey Loria took over the Marlins franchise. For a team that’s had no stability in the clubhouse, the front office has seen almost no changes (in philosophy or leaders) during a bunch of turmoil the past decade plus. Beyond that, the team needs to add two top starters to go with Jose Fernandez at the top of the rotation, a reliable first baseman, and drastically rebuild their bench depth. Yes, the Marlins are close to contending with this core, but they are so far as well.

Daniel Zylberkan: The Marlins have three problems that are all related and it all comes from the top, both the front office and management. First, they need a philosophical change to actually become contenders in the medium to long-term. That would mean a complete change in how they draft and a new approach to dealing with international free agency. Second, they need to hire a manager and actually give him the freedom to do what he was hired to do. Jeffrey Loria and his style of management hurts the team and they need to step away from this. Third, the Marlins have a good core to build around in the short-term and they are a few solid free agent signings away from being a contending team.

Michael Sonbeek: Read my article from yesterday for my thoughts on this.

Sean Millerick: Sign a manager that is still the manager heading into the 2020 season, unless of course the manager in question retires after winning a championship. Could come up with a wish list of FA talent, but even landing Jordan Zimmerman and Yoenis Cespedes isn’t going to matter if there isn’t some semblance of organizational stability going forward. .

Christian La Fontaine: First change the entire front office and steal Friedman to be the new GM. Next kidnap Joe Maddon and force him to manage. Finally bring in David Price, Johnny Cueto, and Jason Heyward through free agency, and somehow trade for Mike Trout and Clayton Kershaw. That would be ideal.

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Mark Laming: Get a solid, stable, preferably sabermetrically inclined manager, if Jennings jumps ship, acquire an analytical based GM. Trade off some middling vets for some prospects. Sign some solid everyday MLB players and continue to rebuild.

Charlie Clarke: Determined during the 2016 regular season. They must make changes, but as we saw in 2015, acquisitions can go very poorly. April 1st will still be too early to judge.

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Next: Early Look at 2016

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