Miami Marlins CF Jazz Chisholm Jr. is a polarizing player. He has immense talent, but is known for his controversial comments and an extensive injury history. Jazz started this season batting clean-up, but is now back in his usual lead-off spot. As one would expect from Jazz, he has some interesting words to say about this..
Jazz Chisholm Jr. is the new lead-off hitter for the Miami Marlins.
The Miami Marlins are not going to the playoffs this season. It's sad to have to say this in early May, but it's better to be realistic than pretend that something could change. Changing the batting order is probably not going to change things, but it could help clear things up for next season. It can also improve player trade values.
Jazz Chisholm Jr. has usually batted lead-off throughout his career, batting clean-up this season was probably not the best idea for him. He's not a good contact hitter, but he has speed that's better utilized at the top of the batting order. He does have power, which is why he ended up batting clean-up. It didn't really go too well...
It's interesting how different Jazz is from previous lead-off hitter Luis Arraez. Arraez is a great contact hitter with no power. Jazz is a below average contact hitter with power. It's definitely a major flip, what does Jazz have to say about this?
I feel like I approach it a little bit differently. When I'm in the leadoff spot, I'm a little bit more aggressive trying to just get the game rolling and get it playing and getting us off with a bang. I feel like when I'm in the four-hole or three-hole, I'm more passive because I want to get the right pitch and do this and help my team, because that's what three- and four-hole guys are. They're supposed to be the guys that can hit and see everything and do it the right way.”
In other words, Jazz Chisholm Jr. is more aggressive as a lead-off hitter. That might explain why he improved his walk percentage this season. Overall, Jazz is currently batting .243/.322/.412, with 5 home runs and 20 RBI, in 37 games and 136 AB.
Next. 3 off-season moves the Marlins should've made. 3 off-season moves the Marlins should've made. dark