Miami Marlins have an issue...

Dylan Floro
Dylan Floro / Jasen Vinlove/Miami Marlins/GettyImages

Can the Miami Marlins still make the playoffs? That is the question that all of us have on our minds these days. Kim Ng already revealed a bit about the team's Trade Deadline strategy. There is one area on the team that has especially been troubling lately. The terrible 6 game losing streak was largely led by the bullpen constantly blowing late leads. Let's take a look at the group and see how it looks.

The Miami Marlins bullpen is an issue.

The closer lefty A.J. Puk has a 4.40 ERA/3.68 FIP with 10.9 K/9 and 1.8 BB/9. Puk's xERA is 2.99 and his xFIP is 3.34, so he's definitely underperforming. He should get better, though whether he's kept as the closer is now a bit of a question mark. Righty Dylan Floro has a 4.86 ERA/2.85 FIP, with 9.49 K/9 and 2.86 BB/9. He also has a 3.07 xFIP. More promising information here too. Just like Puk, Floro is underperforming and should definitely improve in hopefully the near future.

Lefty Tanner Scott has been great lately. He has a 2.74 ERA/2.16 FIP, with 13.50 K/9 and 3.52 BB/9. The control has been Scott's issue his whole career, but his strikeout rate is elite. Scott hasn't been a problem this season. Righty Huascar Brazoban has a 3.72 ERA/3.76 FIP, with 9.12 K/9 and 3.91 BB/9. He definitely looks shaky.

Righty J.T. Chargois has a 2.92 ERA/3.49 FIP, with 6.93 K/9 and 3.95 BB/9. Like with Brazoban, there's definite concern with Chargois, but for now at least the ERA is good. Lefty Andrew Nardi has a 3.19 ERA/4.13 FIP, but also a 2.77 xERA and 3.14 xFIP. These are strong marks. He also has an elite 11.78 K/9 and 2.70 BB/9. Righty George Soriano has a 2.41 EA/3.66 FIP, with 6.27 K/9 and 3.86 BB/9. He's definitely someone to upgrade on.

Righty Johnny Cueto has been abysmal this season and currently has a 9.00 ERA/10.79 FIP, with 2.25 K/9 and 4.50 BB/9. It's important to note that this is in just 4.0 innings pitched, and he was just recently converted to a reliever. This means that there may be better days ahead for the long-time pitcher.

It's pretty clear that the Miami Marlins need bullpen help, luckily there are arms available at the Trade Deadline that Kim Ng can acquire.

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